I make things.

Ness @MoriChax

Age 36, Female



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My fish tried to commit suicide last night

Posted by MoriChax - October 28th, 2008

Well I was about to go to sleep when I heard this strange noise, so I turn on the light and see my little goldfish that I won at the county fair flopping around on the ground. I was like "WTF?!" so I swooshed him up, and put him back into his fish bowl instead of his tank and kept an eye on him most of the night. So far his blubbing isn't back to normal, but he's still alive. I hope he is when I get home from school and work.
It's very weird that this happened though seeing that the hole on his tank is about 1cm by 3cm... some how he got out. Now he's just being an emo fish and hiding underneath his fish net or laying on top of it... poor fishy.... :C
Update:[10/28] I got him a new friend, and since then he's gotten more lively. So I'm going away on vacation and I hope he's still alive when I get home, along with the new one
Update #2:[11/4] Well I'm back and my new fish decides to die while I was away. So now my suicidal emo fish is back to being sad. >:C
I dunno maybe I'll just leave him alone, feed him and wait for him to die and get a new fish.
Update #3:[11/13] Well apparently now my fish is doing fine, I moved his tank to the living/dining area of my house and he seems more happier than ever. Not to mention he's now eating more then ever, he's looking a little fat now that I think about it. Also when cleaning his tank I noticed that a plant that I bought for the tank brought in a lot of baby snails. Maybe he's trippin snails now.(also, 13 days till my birthday :D)

My fish tried to commit suicide last night


He looks upset, has he got any other fishy friends? - or is it just him on his own in that fish tank/bowl.

He had a buddy, but he died September 15th. :C
Maybe I should get him another little buddy.

yea, when I was much younger, I won a fish at the fair, that night, after I went to sleep, it decided to commit suicide and jump out of the water.......

we didnt wake up in time :(

heres what you do so this wont happen again, cover the bowl lid with a plate, so he stays in the bowl.

*sniff* I miss bubbles, even if I knew him for about 16 hours.

Aww poor fishy.
I'm just glad I was still awake to hear it.

Have you taken it to a councillor?

No, I shall at once!

A heron ate all my fish, it's a sad story =(

Damn Herons

After hearing several people commit suicide through drowning, fishy attempted the same task with no avail.

It was upon realizing that fishy had gills that it realized that it could have a similar effect of drowning by swimming out of the water.

Strange... o_o

You don't happen to have a mirror close by do you? If a fish can see their reflection in the mirror they will think it's another fish and will try to get to it by jumping up out of the water since they of course don't understand that there isn't water where they are going to land. Also, it can be a sign that the fish is lonely/wants to mate. :p

No mirrors near by, he was probably trying to get my attention since I haven't really been coming by to say hi as much... But I don't think fish can remember that much..... or do they?!

i blame myself
i think it heard about how i killed the fish in my coy pound this past summer but putting too much algicide in it. then it saw me on cam and like got scared.
either that or all the coffee you gave it made it go beserk


By any chance do you have a twin?

I would kill myself if I was in a glass bowl for my whole life. But he/she is a fish. He/she must be very smart.

Nooo poor fish :(

Tell him to get well soon

Self pwnage ftw.

Maybe you should make it feel happier....
Give it a hat.


I gave him a hat, then he burned it and danced around it like a tribal native american.
Also, ZOMGAH GUrL?! IMPOSSIBLEZZZSE Ihjgdlfskdhjl'as

Life sucks when you live in a damn fish tank

Hard out here for a fish.

maybe the emo fish killed the new fish because the emo fish was just too emo.

Wait for him to die.. how can you be so cruel

I lol'd though.

I know it's harsh, but he's a pain in the patooty

this is why you get a fish tank
they cant swim out of those

He was in a fish tank >:C

Hey, at least he's not wearing My Chemical Romance jackets or writing bad poetry.

haha he totally murdered that new fish

also get out of my head yoink

Saying that will make him dig deeper into your head

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